Day in the Life
Serenade for a Scoundrel!
Many Regency gentlemen are also fine singers.
Young ladies are expected to display their accomplishments.
Even the rakes know the lyrics to this charming old favorite.
Regency FolkPeople, people, people! All kinds of people in Regency garb ~ Ladies in walking dresses, ball gowns, and riding costumes. Gents in dashing daywear (and a few agreeable lassies dressed as lads to even out the boy/girl ratio a bit). Trusty maids and merchants, Navy sailors, Army soldiers marching in formation, plenty of kids in Regency kid-wear and even a baby! The Grand Promenade from the 2012 Jane Austen Festival in Bath. from MagusStudios. Enjoy! (Opens in a new window.)
The Wager BookIndeed. The notorious betting book where the members of the gentlemen's club at the Grand Albion attempt sometimes most wickedly to predict the future. Care to join them?
Having finished with Netherford, who will the divine Bianca Burns choose for her next protector? |